Believe it or not, if you attend a "traditional" school, your school year could be wrapping up rather quickly! For some of the schools in this area, their last day is in one month! That really isn't much time to make huge changes, but sometimes the little changes are the ones that are most important. Here are 5 ways you can help to end your year on a positive note.
Stay engaged! The sun is shining, the days are longer, the weather is warming up, our attention spans grow shorter. All of these items lend themselves to making the last of the school year an extremely difficult time. One of the best pieces of advice you can take is to stay engaged in school and in your classes.
Extra Credit? Does your teacher allow extra credit? Have you asked about? This is the time you need to take advantage of extra credit, no matter how much time it may take, or how little energy you have for school. Extra Credit is like a free throw in basketball...there are no players blocking your shot. It's just you and the ball and the net. Don't blow this "free" opportunity. Show Up! Attendance is key for most things in life, but it is very important this close to the end of the school year. Teachers may be moving a little faster than usual to get everything covered before exams. Those last minute projects might have less time than normal. Important pieces of information may be mentioned in class and no where else. If you aren't showing up, you can't stay ahead of the game. Sleep At night, not during class. Most students don't allow enough time in their schedule for sleeping. Think: 8 hours a night. It might mean getting to bed earlier. It might mean turning off your laptop/phone at a decent time and allowing your mind to settle down. It is suggested to turn off blue light emitters (laptops, phones, any screens) at least an hour before sleeping. This allows your body to start the process of getting ready for sleep. At this time of year, when your brain and your body are exhausted, allow your body to recharge with a good night's sleep. (SIDE NOTE: Keep a decent sleeping schedule on the weekends, as well. Staying up all hours of the night on Friday and Saturday evening will make Monday morning all that much harder to get up out of bed and going.) Eat and Walk Along with getting a good night's sleep, it is important to eat quality food on a regular basis. Students cannot live on chips and soda alone (or raman noodles, or Starbucks, or pizza, or fast food, get the picture!) When you are stressed or under pressure, it is even more important you maintain a good eating routine along with getting some physical activity. Take a walk before buckling down on your homework. Instead of reaching for the coffee, how about a nice cold, refreshing glass of ice water? Trade the cookies in for fruit and the munch on your fruit while sitting outside soaking up some sunshine. Your body can't be replaced like your phone can be when the contract is up. Take care of it. Love it. Feed it and exercise it! You can survive and even thrive at the end of the school year. Yes, it might take a little more (or a lot more effort) than you have give the rest of the year. The reward will be worth it. Finishing strong is important and even possible. Be sure to stay engaged, check out extra credit options, attend classes, get plenty of sleep, eat well and move your body. You can do this! ----------- What is one action you can take today and tomorrow to strengthen your end of the year? |